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  • A Wing and A Prayer

    A Wing and A Prayer


    My Life and Times
    Weisman, Malcolm

    Malcolm has made such a significant contribution to so many areas for so long a time that this project is vital to ensure that his work is properly recorded and recognised. ... It is fair to say that there are small Jewish communities up and...

  • Antisemitism in the Arab-Israeli Conflict

    Antisemitism in the Arab-Israeli Conflict

    from $24.95

    Time to Confront the Elephant in the Room

    Stone, David H.
    Foreword by Colonel Richard Kemp

    David Stone’s masterful account exposes how the root cause of the Arab-Israeli conflict lies in a continuing and virulent antisemitism cloaked in anti-Zionism. A depressing but essential message that deserves to be widely read, especially...

  • Becoming Kathrine Talbot

    Becoming Kathrine Talbot


    A Jewish Refugee and the Novelist She Invented
    Ribbat, Christoph

    Christoph Ribbat’s remarkable book is a creative biography and literary retrieval of Kathrine Talbot, née Ilse Gross ... It will make everyone who reads it reconsider what they believe they know about the lives of refugees, and rush to...

  • Emanuel Ringelblum and Reuven Ben-Shem's War Writings

    Emanuel Ringelblum and Reuven Ben-Shem's War Writings


    Perceptions of space in the Warsaw Ghetto

    Nizan, Victoria 

    History and politics were two important concepts defining Jewish identity prior to the Second World War. This book explores how these were expressed in the war writings of Emanuel Ringelblum and Reuven Ben-Shem, inmates...

  • In the Footsteps of the Jews of Greece

    In the Footsteps of the Jews of Greece


    From Ancient Times to the Present Day
    Karababas, Anastasios

    Some praise for the Greek edition:
    A very engaging book about a unique aspect of Greece’s history.

    This work offers for the first time a complete and comprehensive overview of...

  • Intrepid Pioneers

    Intrepid Pioneers


    Jewish Women in the Public Arena
    Seddon, Isabelle

    It is to Isabelle Seddon’s great credit that she marks the contributions of the early pioneers, as well as those who have done sterling work in more recent years.
    Rabbi Dame Julia Neuberger

    Here Isabelle Seddon reveals the astonishing contributions made by British born...

  • Netanyahu’s Israel

    Netanyahu’s Israel


    Rise of the Far Right

    Confino, Jotam

    Jotam Confino has been my go-to correspondent from Israel since the October 7th massacre and subsequent conflict. Balanced, informed and looking for positive routes forward his book is a timely...

  • The Jews of Lithuania

    The Jews of Lithuania


    A Journey Through the long Twentieth Century

    Sayers, Nick 

    This book is the result of a personal quest to understand more about Nick’s family background in eastern Europe. It leads him to dig deeply into many of the big questions about modern Jewish history in Lithuania.
    Why were lots of Jewish...