Politics » Not Yet Published

  • Antisemitism in the Arab-Israeli Conflict

    Antisemitism in the Arab-Israeli Conflict

    from $24.95

    Time to Confront the Elephant in the Room

    Stone, David H.

    David Stone’s masterful account exposes how the root cause of the Arab-Israeli conflict lies in a continuing and virulent antisemitism cloaked in anti-Zionism. A depressing but essential message that deserves to be widely read,...

  • Netanyahu’s Israel

    Netanyahu’s Israel


    Rise of the Far Right

    Confino, Jotam

    Benjamin Netanyahu became prime minister in the aftermath of one of Israel’s biggest tragedies, the assassination of Yizhak Rabin, and will likely end his career as prime minister responsible for the biggest scandal in the nation’s history; October 7th 2023.
    This book takes the...